Family emergency assistance
During one night, the whole life of a family can change drastically.
We advise the persons in such emergency situations, like, accidents, illness, invalidity, loss of employment, domestic violence, death of the person who was contributing the main source of income in the family, etc.
Insurances or state aids do not exist in Spain, or they turn out to be too much late or for too short time periods. The bureaucratic obstacles are sometimes so complex that the affected persons turn out to be so oppressed that they fall down in an even more deep powerlessness and neglect. As result: the extreme poverty, the famine, the social exclusion and even the absence of housing.
Si Majorca, after a personalized analysis of the economic conditions and of the internal situation of the affected ones, helps them in a rapid and effective way, supporting the families and needy individuals who demand it: Evaluation and cross-check of the emergency situation by means of visits personally to each domicile. Knowledge of the situation interns, of the needs for attention and other lacks. Incidental food acquisition of basic need, products of hygiene, school materials, for babies and small children, clothes and furniture. Attention and advice, by means of bonds, in juridical and administrative assistance with translators and lawyers. Assistance, promotion and mediation in the dealing with employers, lessors and banks. Prevention of eviction, search of alternative accommodation and support. Special donation in Christmas of gifts and sweets for the children during the period of holidays and the traditional Spanish celebration: the night of the Holly Kings.
We advise the persons in such emergency situations, like, accidents, illness, invalidity, loss of employment, domestic violence, death of the person who was contributing the main source of income in the family, etc.
Insurances or state aids do not exist in Spain, or they turn out to be too much late or for too short time periods. The bureaucratic obstacles are sometimes so complex that the affected persons turn out to be so oppressed that they fall down in an even more deep powerlessness and neglect. As result: the extreme poverty, the famine, the social exclusion and even the absence of housing.
Si Majorca, after a personalized analysis of the economic conditions and of the internal situation of the affected ones, helps them in a rapid and effective way, supporting the families and needy individuals who demand it: Evaluation and cross-check of the emergency situation by means of visits personally to each domicile. Knowledge of the situation interns, of the needs for attention and other lacks. Incidental food acquisition of basic need, products of hygiene, school materials, for babies and small children, clothes and furniture. Attention and advice, by means of bonds, in juridical and administrative assistance with translators and lawyers. Assistance, promotion and mediation in the dealing with employers, lessors and banks. Prevention of eviction, search of alternative accommodation and support. Special donation in Christmas of gifts and sweets for the children during the period of holidays and the traditional Spanish celebration: the night of the Holly Kings.